Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jett Doing Well

Hi Jacki,
I am the owner of one of your puppies from the litter Natalie had in the summer of 2001. I do not know if your recall the black puppy we named Jett. He is now nine years old and doing very well. People can't believe he is nine years old. He is still a happy playful poodle. He is such a great dog, and we love him very much. I was wondering if Natalie is still with you. I remember her being such a good mother to her puppies.
I hope you and all your poodles are doing well.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Little Ella Goes to NASA

A note from Kathy, Little Ella the Standard Poodle Puppy in training at NASA :

Just wanted to let you know that tomorrow is Ella's first day at
"work".  I want to do this "just right", so I have been giving it a lot of
thought.  Wish us luck!!

NASA (where I work) is on Edwards Air Force Base, and I was aware that they
have a therapy dog there.  I called the guy who owns him and he brought the
dog over for me to meet on Friday.  We talked a long time and he said I can
bring Ella over any time to go around and get "socialized".  At least the
people over there that he knows are accustomed to the energy needed to be
around these dogs.  I will probably have to train the people at NASA more
than I will have to train Ella!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Standard Poodle - An Exceptional and Lovely Pet

Having a Standard Poodle as pet will surely bring extra happiness and
excitement into anyone’s life. This variety of Poodle is often
accredited for their gorgeous hair and overall appearance. But aside
from their physical attributes, Standards are also kind and loyal
pets. For this reason, one cannot go wrong choosing this furry

Carefree and happy, devoted to their families, they want to be close
to them most of time; hence it’s not a good idea ignoring them because
they may easily become depressed. Another character that makes the
Standard stand out is its ability to learn quickly.

Children will no doubt adore having them around since they are such
well-behaved pets Moreover, they are intelligent dogs that can adapt
well with training so you’ll be proud taking them to dog shows. We
love our Standard Poodles and so will you!